Smoked Sunday Chuck Pot Roast
1 E3 Chuck Roast (approximately 3 lbs)
Head Country Marinade (or Worcestershire)
4 TBL of Seasoning Salt & Black Pepper
2 TBL of Garlic, Onion, & Chili Powder
Spritzer filled with High Quality Apple Juice
1 Cup of Strained Brisket Aujus or 2.5 Cups Beef Broth
Apple Juice and Spritzer
3 Peeled Carrots, 1 Large White Onion, 8 Cloves Garlic, 2 Peeled Russet Potatoes
Difficulty 2/5
Prep Time 20 Min
Cook Time 5 hrs
Serves 6
Hardwood: Pecan
Pot Roast takes Doug Scheiding back to Sunday evenings gathered around the table with the family. Combining both the smokey flavor of the wood grill with the tenderness of braising for tough cuts of meat is a perfect combination.
1. Pre-heat your Grill to 275 F degrees (you can use higher temperature if you want to cook faster – I like the lower temp for more smoke on the meat)
2. Combine the rub ingredients and put into a plastic seasoning bottle.
3. Trim the excess exterior fat off the Chuck Roast. Cover the steak in the marinade or Worcestershire and then sprinkle the combined rub ingredients on all sides
4. Place on the grill. Flip the Chuck Roast every 45 minutes and spritz lightly with Apple Juice at the same time. Do this four times or 3 hours in total or until the internal temperature is about 130-150.
5. Prep the vegetables: cut the carrots into ½” chunks; slice the white onion into ½” chunks; peel the garlic and leave whole; peel the potatoes and dice into chunks. Turn or heat grill up to 375.
6. In a half pan (9”x13”) (or dutch oven if you have one) combine the 1 cup brisket aujus with 1.5 cups of water (or use 2.5 cups of beef broth), add the partially cooked chuck roast, and then arranged the vegetables around the roast. Place covered with alum foil onto the grill or hot zone of the cooker.
7. Cook for approximately 2 hours reducing heat to 275 after the first hour. Flip the meat every 30 minutes and stir the gravy as it begins to thicken. If you need or want to thicken the gravy add a couple of teaspoons of flour. Cook until meat becomes fork tender.
This Smoked Sunday Chuck Pot Roast recipe is brought to you by BBQ World Champion and Traeger Pro Doug Scheiding of Rogue Cookers.